
The secret weapon evernote forum
The secret weapon evernote forum

Using tags, you would have to both add the Now tag and delete the Next tag. So to move something from Next to Now, for instance, I just have to drag it over. I think notebooks are an improvement, because everything needs to have a priority, and any given task can only have one priority at a time – which is exactly how notebooks work. If you read that Secret Weapon page, you’ll notice the main difference is that I use separate notebooks for the priority levels, whereas they use tags. Every note in Hold and Waiting gets an Evernote Reminder attached, so I’ll get a notification when its time has come. So for instance if I email a question to someone, I’ll stick a note in Waiting so I remember to check back if I haven’t heard from them in a while. (I also use Google Calendar for things that happen on a specific date.) ‘Waiting’ is for anything that needs input from someone else. Tasks in ‘Hold’ are generally things that for whatever reason I’m waiting to do on or after a particular date. The ‘Waiting’ and ‘Hold’ sections are for things that can’t happen right away. Then there are further priority levels – you could have more or fewer this works alright for me. 2 ‘Next’ is obviously what’s going to go into Now, next. I usually try to keep that to 2-3 things to keep it manageable, although I’m not always successful. ‘Now’ is stuff I’m either working on now, or need to take some action on immediately. That contains everything I’m doing, expecting to do, might want to do in the future, or am waiting for someone else to do.

the secret weapon evernote forum

The really cool part though is the ‘Current’ stack.

The secret weapon evernote forum